The global day of giving, Giving Tuesday
The global day of giving, Giving Tuesday comes but once a year, so this year, on Tuesday, December 3, 2019, Broward Housing Solutions ‘gave it forward’ to neighbors and friends at Tender Medical Care Center.
Tender Medical Care is a loving day care for children with special medical needs from birth to 21 years old. “Team BHS got so much more by giving to our friends and neighbors at Tender Medical Care Center today”said Vecchi who has been President and CEO of Broward Housing Solutions since 2008.
A nonprofit, 501(C)3 that provides affordable housing to low-income, or homeless people with disabilities who also have mental illness, BHS is privileged to house nearly 400-residents, many whom were homeless before moving into their apartments. Living safely and affordably in a permanent home, tenants continue stabilizing, recovering and reintegrate back into society becoming contributing members of our community.
Everyone wins with the creation of affordable housing: It addresses the immediate needs for long-term stability and productive citizens which produces significant social benefits and reduces substantial financial strains on our communities (taxpayers), such as incarceration, over-utilization of emergency rooms and substance abuse. To ensure that the cycle of homelessness ends, BHS proudly collaborates with our community behavioral health partners that provides clients with the tools for successful, long-term, independent living.