Community Foundation of Broward
The lack of affordable and stable housing is a major barrier to economic independence. Broward Housing Solutions® (BHS®) solves the problem at its root. Our Affordable Housing programincorporates a uniquely successful and strategic approach [regarding homelessness] by coupling affordable housing with supportive clinical and stabilization services. This proven-method ensures that residents are provided the resources needed to succeed far beyond housing while becoming financially empowered to earn more income, keep their income and, grow the possibilities of becoming more fiscally sound.
Generous funding for BHS®’ Affordable Housing program and Support has been provided by the following Funds at the Community Foundation of Broward:
The James I. Coddington, Jr. Charitable Fund
Marlene Holder Fund for Broward
Jo Ann Hoffman Homeless Fund
Fredrick M. Earle Memorial Fund
Kiwanis Club of Fort Lauderdale Charitable Fund