Alan MethelisExecutive Committee
Governance & Legal Committee
Development Committee

    Alan Methelis, Advoacy Committee. Alan Methelis, presently retired, was a General Magistrate for 20-years in Broward County hearing mostly guardianship incapacity, substance abuse, and Baker Act cases. During this time he lectured on numerous occasions to attorneys and judges.  His expertise in the Baker Act has been recognized statewide.  He has served on several boards dealing with mental health issues and for several years was the chairperson of the Mental Health Board in Broward County. He has in the past served on the committee appointed by the Broward County Commission that determined funding from the County to not for profit organizations. Mr. Methelis was also an adjunct professor at the Nova Law School. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Massachusetts, his graduate degree from Harvard University and his law degree from Suffolk University. He has been a resident of Broward County Florida since 1973 and now spends part of the year in Skaneateles, NY.

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